Educational Aids
Prepare for the Unexpected
In a crisis, we need our security and emergency personnel
(including first responders and healthcare workers) the most right after an emergency
and for sometimes days after an emergency or a disaster. With the hope of retaining
those employees during a disaster or getting employees to report during a crisis, many
of CareTek’s Customizable Emergency Preparedness Materials can be distributed to
employees before an emergency occurs to incorporate various “need to do/have” items into
their families’ preparedness planning. Should a disaster and deployment occur, utilizing
these planning and reference tools will help relieve the anxiety of personnel not being home
or elsewhere with families and loved ones. Prepare for the Unexpected!!
See How Prepared You Are -
CareTek's Customizable Emergency Preparedness Materials
Home Emergency Preparedness Checklists Booklets
These easy-to-follow Home Emergency Preparedness Checklists Booklets are broken down
into three basic sections to help take action to protect your home and family from disasters or
potential hazards. The first section outlines ten primary steps to preparing for all emergency
situations. Dependent on your assessed risk of particular natural disasters or potential
hazards, the remaining two sections offer more detail on how to be prepared for each
disaster or potential hazard. Customized versions are available. Click to view SEGMENTS OF THE CHECKLIST BOOKLET.
Home Emergency Preparedness Planning and Organizing Packets
These bright red, easy-to-spot Home Emergency Preparedness Planning and Organizing
Packets will assist you with keeping all of your plans and important contact information
together as you complete the various steps from each checklist from the Home Emergency
Preparedness Checklist Booklet. Items to be included are Disaster Plans (Workplace(s),
Children’s School, Day Care Centers), Neighbor’s Information, Preplanned Animal Shelters
and Animal Tag Info and Photos, Floor Plan of Your Home, Map of Meeting Places,
Community Evacuation Plans, Important Phone Numbers, Emergency Contact Information
and Compiled Checklists.
Home Emergency Preparedness Critical Documents Packets
In case of an emergency evacuation, critical and important documents are
together in a heavy-duty polypropylene envelope that resists tears and repels
moisture. Bright red for easy retrieval, the Emergency Preparedness Critical
Document Packet visually stands out in filing cabinets. The packet comes with an
enclosed document checklist as a reference to copies of critical documents to have
on hand. Designed for acid free archival quality, the packet is tough, with a gusset
that expands to 1¼", secured with a string tie closure. Document packets can be
customized to promote your company or organization.
Home Emergency Phone Numbers Magnets
With a customizable magnet, emergency phone numbers (fire, police, ambulance,
poison control center, etc.) can be posted for easy reference. Quick reference can
also be made for Mom and Dad’s work and the kid’s school(s). Customization is also
available for emergency procedures.
Home Emergency Preparedness Component Paks
Instead of obtaining each component separately to begin your Home Emergency Preparedness Planning, you
can order these items prepackaged together. Package includes:
- Home Emergency Preparedness Checklists Booklet
- Home Emergency Preparedness Planning and Organizing Packet
- Home Emergency Preparedness Critical Documents Packet
- Home Emergency Phone Numbers Magnet
Having A Plan
While emergencies can run the gamut from health to weather to accidents to violence, CareTek Resources, Inc.
can help prepare for virtually anything. With suggestions that you may have and a list of suggestions from
CareTek, let us partner together to help others HAVE A PLAN!
Request your "I Have a Plan" Button
CareTek's Customizable Home Emergency Preparedness
Educational Campaign Materials
The Home Emergency Preparedness Customizable Educational Campaign begins with Educational Materials and Activities for the ten basic steps that apply to all Natural Disasters and Potential Hazards. Starting with Step 10, more detail can be given about the specific risks that pertain to your community or your employee’s homes, based on an assessment of risks. An outline of the Home Emergency Preparedness Educational Campaign includes some samples of the first two lessons (or steps) and a Home Emergency Preparedness Test (a part of step 1). Also available is a Quotation Form to gather your ideas and thoughts towards which lessons or items you would like to promote as part of this campaign.

Check out these creative ideas and learning aids...
Outline of Proposed Educational Campaign | Quotation Request Form